We are all managers of our own lives
This book is for anyone with authority, or destined to be involved in a hierarchical or functional authority whose objective is improving how they manage. It will also be of interest to anyone hoping to better understand themselves and blossom professionally as well as personally. Aren’t we all the managers of our own lives?
The AEC Method provides an original four step modelfor all professionals working in a corporate context to develop people within their role-functions for an optimal efficiency:
1) Increasing our awareness of our strengths and weaknesses as individuals andwithin our job function.
2) Becoming more flexible yet remaining true to ourselves while respecting our limits.
3) Becoming more aware of others (colleagues, employees, managers), in their strengths and their weaknesses, bothas individuals and within their professional role-functions.
4) Including and taking the situation into account.
Egalement disponible en français : Révélez le manager qui est en vous ! – 3e éditions
Fiche technique
Auteur, dirigeant, formateurPatrice FABART dirige ARC-EN-CIEL RH, distributeur exclusif de la Méthode Arc En Ciel DISC (Méthode AEC DISC à l’international) qu’il a créée et développée après avoir exercé des fonctions commerciales et managériales dans différents grands groupes. Celle-ci se réfère à la source du système DISC issu de la théorie de William Marston, reconnu et diffusé mondialement depuis plus de trente ans, ainsi qu’aux travaux de Carl Jung sur les Types Psychologiques et d’Eduard Spranger sur les Motivations, conjointement à une recherche sur les comportements associés aux couleurs et en articulation avec d’autres approches.
Patrice FABART manages Arc-en-Ciel RH, exclusive world-wide Distributor of the AEC DISC Method that he created and developed after having fulfilled sales and management functions within large corporations. This Method is a synthesis of William Marston’s DISC theory, Carl Jung’s Psychological Types and Eduard Spranger’s work on Motivations, as well as research on behaviors linked with colors, and offers connections with several other pedagogical, psychological or philosophical approaches.